
Airedale Infant School

Poplar Avenue, Townville,
Castleford, WF10 3QJ
Tel: 01977 519281

Headteacher - Mrs. K McKechnie

For general enquiries please contact Miss Horner -  Senior Administrator - 01977 519281

For enquiries relating to Special Educational Need and Disabilities please contact our SENCo, Miss C Lovelock - 01977 519281

Chair of Governors - Mrs Sharon Butterfield - Please contact at the school address.

Airedale Infant School is operated by Northern Ambition Academies Trust. The Trust can be contacted at its registered offices:

Northern Ambition Academies Trust

Airedale Academy, Crewe Road, Castleford WF10 3JU

Tel: 01977 664555

Chief Executive/Accounting Officer of the Trust: Mrs E Fairhurst

Chair of Trustees: Mr R Hall