Pupil Premium

We hold high expectations and promote excellent outcomes for all our pupils.  We aim to raise standards, aspirations and self belief for all pupils including those eligible for Pupil Premium or Pupil Premium Plus.

The Pupil Premium grant (PPG) for 2023-24 is £1,455  per pupil eligible for Free School Meals.  The grant is allocated to all schools based on the number of pupils at the school who have been eligible for free school meals (FSM) in any of the previous six years (Ever Six).  Looked After Children and the children of armed personnel are also eligible.  For looked After Children the allocation is £2,530  per pupil  (of which £1000 is retained by Virtual School Head in Wakefield, as agreed by the School Forum). The allocation for children of armed personnel is £335 per pupil.

The grant may be spent by schools for the educational benefit of its pupils.  The aim of the grant is to raise the attainment of Pupil Premium pupils and to diminish the difference between their attainment and the attainment of other pupils.

Our expected amount of Pupil Premium for financial year 2023-24 is £61.110

For the financial year 2022-23  we received £67,865

A large proportion of our pupil premium allocation is used to support the salaries of our additional teaching assistants  who provide targeted interventions.  As a school we provide additional teaching assistants to ensure that pupils are well supported particularly in early reading, phonics, writing and mathematics.  Interventions take place across each year group and may include 'Fast Track Phonics', 'Catch Up' reading, and 'Musical Interaction' amongst others.  We provide support for attendance, safeguarding and well being in order to reduce barriers to learning opportunities for our Pupil Premium pupils.  We also offer financial subsidies to pupils eligible for Pupil Premium funding for school equipment such as book bags, aspects of uniform and educational visits.

The Early Years Pupil Premium is additional funding for Early Years settings to improve the education provided for disadvantaged 3 and 4 year olds.

For Financial year 2022-2023 the combined rate for EYPP and deprivation is 89p per hour, per eligible pupil.  The funding is applied for termly. 

We encourage all parents who think that their child may be eligible for free school meals to apply for them.  Forms are available from the main school office.

PP Spending 22-23 Plan - Reviewed

PP spending 23-24 Plan