
Child Protection Statement

We all have a statutory duty to “promote and safeguard the welfare or children” (section 175 Education Act 2002)

We recognise our moral and statutory responsibility to safeguard and promote the welfare of all children.  We endeavour to provide a safe and welcoming environment maintaining a cultural vigilance, where children are respected and valued.  We will act quickly and follow our procedures to ensure children receive early help and effective support, protection and justice.

If you have any concerns about the health and safety of any child or young person in this school, or feel that something may be troubling them, you must share this information with an appropriate member of staff straight away. Please book an appointment to discuss your concern with the Headteacher or the Assistant Headteacher or visit school and see one of our Learning Mentors. Some issues e.g. a child’s appearance, hygiene or general behaviour can be shared with any teacher or member of support staff.

Do not worry that you may be reporting small matters – we would rather you tell us things that turn out to be small, rather than miss a worrying situation.

If you think however, that the matter is very serious and may be related to a child protection concern i.e. physical, sexual, emotional abuse or neglect, you MUST talk to one of the people below immediately.


Our Safeguarding Team:



The Headteacher and DSL is Mrs K McKechnie 

The DSL is Miss L Clarkson 

The deputy DSL is Miss K Allen 

Other trained DSLs include: The Learning Mentor Team - Mrs L Wells, Mrs E Bradney,  Mrs J Ellis and Mrs L Hooley.


The nominated child protection Academy Council member is Mrs S Butterfield 

The Designated Teacher for LAC is Miss L Clarkson 

The Senior Mental Health Lead is Miss K Allen 


If you are unable to contact any of them you should ask the office staff to find them and ask them to speak to you straight away on an urgent confidential matter.

Any allegations or disclosure involving a member of staff, a child’s foster carer or a volunteer at this school MUST be reported directly to the Headteacher without delay. If the allegation involves the Headteacher it must be reported to the chair of Governors, again without delay.


Our Policies:

Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy 23-24

Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy (Child Friendly version) 23-24

Harmful Sexual Behaviour 

Keeping Children safe in Education 23-24 


School Leaflets:

Safeguarding Information for parents 

Learning mentor leaflet for parents

Safeguarding Induction Leaflet


Safeguarding Posters:

Safeguarding Poster 

Anti-Bullying Poster

No Way Campaign Poster


Parent Support Leaflets:


TAS Parent Carer Leaflet 

TAEY Parent Carer Leaflet 

Kendal Drive Family Hub Leaflet

EIP Link Worker Guide 

Link Social Worker Guide 


Parent and Child Support Links: 


Mental Health Support:


Child Support:


E-Safety Support:


Parental Support:



E-Safety Leaflets and Further Guidance:

Apple Support Guidance

West Yorkshire Police- Easy Target Guidance

Nintendo Switch Parental Guidance

Wii U Parental Guidance

Xbox 360 Parental Guidance

Xbox Family Guidance

Xbox One Parental Guidance

Playstation Parental Guidance