Sports Premium

What is the sports premium funding?

Since the academic year 2013/ 2014 the government has provided additional funding to schools to improve the provision of physical education in primary schools. The government do not dictate how the schools should spend their money and the funding comes directly into the school budget. School leaders and governing bodies are accountable for how this money is spent ensuring maximum benefit to the children in school.

Funding is allocated at the beginning of the financial year and how it is used is planned into the school development plan.

The Vision

All pupils leaving primary school physically literate and with the knowledge, skills and motivation necessary to equip them for a healthy lifestyle and lifelong participation in physical activity and sport.

Purpose of the funding

All schools will have to spend the sports funding on improving their provision for PE and sport, however there is a freedom to choose how they do this. At Airedale Infants school we recognise the great importance of improving the physical fitness and overall physical abilities of all our children from a very young age. Providing children with highly engaging PE lessons and an opportunity to attend specific sports clubs after school is of great importance.

Funding for schools will be calculated by members of primary aged pupils (5 – 11 Years) at the annual school census January.

From 2017-18, all schools with 17 or more primary aged pupils will receive a lump sum of £16,000, plus a premium of £10 per pupil, with the exception of reception age pupils.

Prior to this schools received a lump sum of £8,000, plus a premium of £5 per pupil, with the exception of reception age pupils.

Total expected funding for 2023-2024 is £17,210

Our total funding for 2022-23 was £17,190


Schools will be held to account for how they spend their sport funding, Ofsted will strengthen its coverage of sport and PE within the Inspectors Handbook and supporting guidance, so that schools and inspectors know how sport and PE will be assessed in future as part of the schools overall provision offered. Schools will be required to include details about their sporting provision on their school website.


We plan to make our improvements sustainable by continuing with our CPD support from PE Pro and Elite Kids Coaching.  The aim of this is to further develop staff knowledge and confidence when teaching PE and also to begin to work with teaching assistants and offer the CPD for teaching PE.  The sessions will run throughout the day which means each class gets more than 1 hour quality PE teaching from a coaching team.  

Our overall aim is to continue to improve the physical fitness of all children in our school.

Governors must be fully informed about all aspects relating to the PE and Sports Premium funding. 

Click here to see Sports Grant Report 22-23

Click here to see Sports Action Plan 23-24